Amiga CD-Sensation: Golden Games
Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 2 - Golden Games (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso
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327 lines
; $VER: installationscript 3.0 (25.5.95)
; Script to install LazyMines 3.0
;English strings
(if (= @language "english")
(set default_lang 0)
(set default_doc 0)
(set #bad-kick
"You need at least version 37 of AmigaOS to run LazyMines.")
(set #how-install
(cat "Do you want to install the whole program or just update the "
"language catalogs?"))
(set #how-install-help
(cat "Choose \"Install whole program\" if you are installing from "
"scratch or if you are updating an old version.\n"
"\nChoose \"Update languages\" if you want to install or remove "
"language catalogs."))
(set #how-install-1 "Install whole program")
(set #how-install-2 "Update languages")
(set #where-install
"Choose location where you want to install LazyMines.")
(set #which-documentation
"Which documentation do you want to install with LazyMines?")
(set #which-documentation-help
"Check the language you want to install with LazyMines.")
(set #which-icons
"Which icons do you want to install with LazyMines?")
(set #which-icons-help
(cat "Choose \"MagicWB icons\" if you have MagicWB installed, "
"otherwise choose \"Standard icons\"."))
(set #which-icons-1 "MagicWB icons")
(set #which-icons-2 "Standard icons")
(set #no-languages
(cat "You need at least version 38 of AmigaOS to have any use for the "
"language catalogs."))
(set #where-languages
"Where do you want to install the language catalogs?")
(set #where-languages-help
(cat "This lets you choose if you want the language catalogs to be "
"copied to the same location as the rest of the program, or if "
"you want to have them in the global Catalog dir."))
(set #which-languages
"Which language catalogs do you want to install with LazyMines?")
(set #which-languages-help
(cat "Check all languages you want to install with LazyMines.\n"
"\nIf a language already installed is not checked, "
"it will be removed."))
;Norwegian strings
(if (= @language "norsk")
(set default_lang 2)
(set default_doc 1)
(set #bad-kick
"Du trenger minst versjon 37 av AmigaOS for å kjøre LazyMines.")
(set #how-install
(cat "Ønsker du å installere hele programmet eller kun oppdatere "
(set #how-install-help
(cat "Velg \"Installér hele programmet\" hvis du installerer fra"
"grunnen eller hvis du oppdaterer en eldre versjon.\n"
"\nVelg \"Oppdatér språk\" hvis du ønsker å installere eller"
"fjerne språkkataloger."))
(set #how-install-1 "Installér hele programmet")
(set #how-install-2 "Oppdatér språk")
(set #where-install
"Velg hvor du ønsker å installere LazyMines.")
(set #which-documentation
"Hvilken dokumentasjon ønsker du å installere med LazyMines?")
(set #which-documentation-help
"Merk av språkene du ønsker å installere med LazyMines.")
(set #which-icons
"Hvilke ikoner ønsker du å installere med LazyMines?")
(set #which-icons-help
(cat "Velg \"MagicWB ikoner\" hvis du har MagicWB installert, "
"velg ellers \"Standard ikoner\"."))
(set #which-icons-1 "MagicWB ikoner")
(set #which-icons-2 "Standard ikoner")
(set #no-languages
(cat "Du trenger minst versjon 38 av AmigaOS for å kunne benytte "
(set #where-languages
"Hvor ønsker du å installere språkkatalogene?")
(set #where-languages-help
(cat "Dette lar deg velge om du ønsker å kopiere språkkatalogene "
"til den samme skuffen som resten av programmet, eller om du "
"ønsker å ha dem i den globale Catalog-skuffen."))
(set #which-languages
"Hvilke språkkataloger ønsker du å installere med LazyMines?")
(set #which-languages-help
(cat "Merk alle språk du ønsker å installere med LazyMines.\n"
"\nHvis allerede installerte språk ikke merkes, vil "
"disse fjernes."))
; Swedish strings
(if (= @language "svenska")
(set default_lang 8)
(set default_doc 2)
(set #bad-kick
"Du behöver minst version 37 av AmigaOS för att kunna köra LazyMines.")
(set #how-install
(cat "Vill du installera hela programmet eller bara uppdatera "
(set #how-install-help
(cat "Välj \"Installera allt\" om du inte har en tidigare "
"version installerad eller om du skall uppdatera en gammal "
"\nVälj \"Uppdatera översättningar\" om du vill installera eller "
"ta bort översättningsfiler."))
(set #how-install-1 "Installera allt")
(set #how-install-2 "Uppdatera översättningar")
(set #where-install
"Välj position där du vill installera LazyMines.")
(set #which-documentation
"Vilken dokumentation vill du installera med LazyMines?")
(set #which-documentation-help
"Markera den dokumentation du vill installera med LazyMines.")
(set #which-icons
"Vilka ikoner vill du installera med LazyMines?")
(set #which-icons-help
(cat "Välj \"MagicWB-ikoner\" om du har MagicWB installerat, "
"välj annars \"Standardikoner\"."))
(set #which-icons-1 "MagicWB-ikoner")
(set #which-icons-2 "Standardikoner")
(set #no-languages
(cat "Du behöver minst version 38 av AmigaOS för att ha någon "
"användning av översättningsfilerna."))
(set #where-languages
"Var vill du installera översättningsfilerna?")
(set #where-languages-help
(cat "Detta låter dig välja om du vill att översättningsfilerna skall "
"kopieras till samma position som resten av programmet, eller om "
"du vill spara dem globalt."))
(set #which-languages
"Vilka översättningsfiler vill du installera?")
(set #which-languages-help
(cat "Markera alla översättningar som du vill installera.\n"
"\nOm ett språk som redan blivit installerat inte markeras kommer "
"det att raderas."))
(procedure install-program
(set @default-dest prog-dest)
(copylib (source (tackon sourcedir "LazyMines"))
(dest prog-dest)))
(procedure install-documentation
(set which-documentation (askchoice (prompt #which-documentation)
(help #which-documentation-help)
(choices "English"
(default default_doc)))
(set doc "English.guide")
(if (= which-documentation 0)
(set doc "Norsk.guide")
(if (= which-documentation 1)
(set doc "Svenska.guide")
(if (= which-documentation 2)
(procedure install-doc
(copyfiles (source (tackon doc-srcdir doc))
(dest prog-dest)
(newname "LazyMines.guide")))
(procedure install-icons
(set which-icons (askchoice (prompt #which-icons)
(help #which-icons-help)
(choices #which-icons-1 #which-icons-2)))
(if (= which-icons 0)
((set icon-srcdir (tackon icon-srcdir "misc"))
(set docicon-src (tackon icon-srcdir "LazyMines.guide.info"))))
(copyfiles (source icon-srcdir)
(dest prog-dest)
(choices "LazyMines.info"))
(copyfiles (source docicon-src)
(dest prog-dest)
(newname "LazyMines.guide.info"))
(tooltype (dest (tackon prog-dest "LazyMines"))
(tooltype (dest (tackon prog-dest "LazyMines.guide"))
(procedure install-locales
(set where-languages (askchoice (prompt #where-languages)
(help #where-languages-help)
(choices locale-dest
(if (= where-languages 1)
(set locale-dest locale-sysdest))
(set which-languages (askoptions (prompt #which-languages)
(help #which-languages-help)
(choices "Deutsch"
(default default_lang)))
(set locale "deutsch")
(if (IN which-languages 0)
(set locale "norsk")
(if (IN which-languages 1)
(set locale "polski")
(if (IN which-languages 2)
(set locale "svenska")
(if (IN which-languages 3)
(procedure install-locale
(makedir locale-dest)
(makedir (tackon locale-dest locale))
(copylib (source (tackon (tackon locale-srcdir locale) "lazymines.catalog"))
(dest (tackon locale-dest locale))))
(procedure remove-locale
(delete (tackon (tackon locale-dest locale) "lazymines.catalog"))
(if (NOT (= locale-dest locale-sysdest))
((delete (tackon locale-dest locale))
(delete locale-dest))))
; Main program
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick))
(set sourcedir (tackon (pathonly @icon) "/"))
(set doc-srcdir (tackon sourcedir "Docs"))
(set icon-srcdir sourcedir)
(set docicon-src (tackon doc-srcdir "English.guide.info"))
(set locale-srcdir (tackon sourcedir "Catalogs"))
(set locale-sysdest "LOCALE:Catalogs")
(set prog-dest (askdir (prompt #where-install)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)))
(set how-install (askchoice (prompt #how-install)
(help #how-install-help)
(choices #how-install-1 #how-install-2)))
(if (= how-install 0)
(run (cat "convscorefile \"" prog-dest "\"")))
(set @default-dest ""))
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 38)
(exit #no-languages))
(set locale-dest (tackon prog-dest "Catalogs"))